
Share the ASIC Ghana Conference

We now have some colorful graphics that our partners, team members, speakers and attendees can share on their social media pages to promote our first conference in Africa! The graphics can be shared in newsletters inside and outside of your organization. Our aim is to have people across the continent joining both in-person an virtually for this first ASIC Conference in Ghana. With no cost to registration, there's no reason people shouldn't participate!

World Air Quality Report 2022 finds only six countries met WHO guidelines for PM2.5

Following the 5th annual IQAir report, only Australia, Estonia, Finland, Grenada, Iceland, and New Zealand have met WHO's guideline for PM2.5. This is concerning as 126 other countries failed to meet this guideline, making one wonder what can be done to combat this.

Poor spread of air quality monitoring stations could suggest why information is not equally distributed. Despite there being 30,000 stations, 

Kitchen air pollution tackled in University of Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research

Recent studies have shown that the fumes from cooking meals causes poor indoor air quality, increasing associated health risks. However, the University of Surrey's Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) has come up some simple but effective solutions.

For example, opening a window, steaming rather than frying, and keeping those who aren’t actively cooking out of the kitchen can protect people from inhaling harmful toxins."

Air pollution hospitalises 200,000 in one week as fumes, emissions and smoke descend on Thailand

The air quality of Thailand's major cities has reached a point that more people are dying from air pollution than obesity or smoking. In fact, 

According to the WHO’s State of Global Air report, air pollution accounted for nearly 8% of all deaths (more than 41,000 cases) in Thailand in 2019, with PM2.5 ranked as the top risk for such deaths.

SCAQMD Public Meeting Consultation

April 8, 2019: SCAQMD Public Consultation Meeting

The South Coast Air Quality Management District is conducting a public consultation meeting regarding the impacts of the Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Demonstration for the 2015 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

Newly Updated EPA Air Sensor Toolbox

Newly Updated Air Sensor Toolbox

The newly updated Air Sensor Toolbox allows for easier navigation and more information regarding the EPA’s efforts regarding developing air sensors for measuring local air quality. This toolbox publishes the latest information regarding air sensors, specifically performance, operation, and use.

Using this toolbox, you can: