Ghana Conference Program

Our Technical Program Committee has curated the below sessions based on topics important to researchers, manufacturers, regulators and users of air quality monitors. This  preliminary list of topics was formulated as the Ghana Conference Concept Note was finalized in order to fulfil the stated goals. We will ask speakers to share their expertise on the topics with all conference attendees. 

After reviewing the list, consider submitting an abstract of your own in April or becoming an exhibitor or sponsor of the conference. There is no cost to attend the event, but we do hope our industry partners will help fund the event through sponsorships.

  • En Français
  • Après avoir examiné la liste, envisagez de soumettre votre propre résumé en avril ou de devenir exposant ou sponsor de la conférence. Il n'y a aucun frais pour assister à l'événement, mais nous espérons que nos partenaires de l'industrie aideront à financer l'événement par le biais de parrainages.
    Notre comité de programme technique a organisé les sessions ci-dessous sur la base de sujets importants pour les chercheurs, les fabricants, les régulateurs et les utilisateurs de moniteurs de qualité de l'air. Nous demanderons aux conférenciers de partager leur expertise sur les sujets avec tous les participants à la conférence.

Voir le programme ci-dessous en Français

Tuesday, October 17th

Theme: Focusing on the Basics: Familiarization with designing sensor projects

Sessions will cover:

  • Community Based Participation: This session will discuss using low-cost sensors in community build projects. We will review what considerations should be made when designing a project.

Session Chair: Kofi Amegah, University of Cape Coast

  • Making Sense of Sensor Data: This session invites abstracts on the topic of understanding air quality sensor data. We look forward to welcoming presenters working on unpacking complex air quality information for the everyday user. What sensor data can be trusted, and what should be used with caution? How do we get useful, actionable data out of low-cost air sensors? What are the best practices for quality control and quality assurance of air sensor data? What kind of data from air sensors should be shared to the general public, and how? These are just some of the questions we hope to address in this session. We also welcome submissions on novel applications of air sensor data including linking sensor data to other data streams.

Session Chairs: Dan Westervelt, University of Columbia, Collins Gameli Hodoli, University of Environment  and Sustainable Development

  • Sensor Evaluation & Analysis: This is a moderated panel discussion on best approaches to evaluate sensors independently by reputed national institutions.

  • En Français
  • Mardi 17 Octobre

    Thème : Focus sur les notions de base : Familiarisation et appréciation de l’utilisation de LCS

    Session de formation pour les communautés, les régulateurs et les managers de la qualité de l’air.

Wednesday, October 18th

Theme: Understanding Data

  • Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation: This session is focused on the methods for analyzing and utilizing low-cost sensor data. How can sensor data be corrected and calibrated to provide meaningful, actionable information? What kind of low-cost / reference colocations, data integrity checks and quality assurance can be created to support low-cost sensor data correction? What kind of statistical methods are appropriate for low-cost sensor data? How can low-cost sensor data be integrated with other data sources (such as health, traffic, or demographic information)? We welcome submissions that address the intricacies of sensor data and how to best use it.

Session Chairs: Victoria Owusu Tawiah, Clean Air Fund, Garima Raheja, University of Columbia

  • Adapting LCS for Smart Air Quality Monitoring in African Cities: Achieving a high resolution air quality network using conventional air quality monitoring is not practical because of the prohibitive costs. Low-cost sensors have the potential to close the air quality data gaps in data hungry countries such as those in the global South, but establishing a stable data pipeline from sensor networks for continuous monitoring is impeded by unique environmental and infrastructural challenges. Data transmission, availability and reliability are particularly constrained by internet connectivity, unreliable power supply, environmental factors such as dust, rain, humidity, uniquely specific to many African countries. Developing custom-sensor platforms tailored to the unique conditions of the global south is a critical step towards bridging the data gaps. This session aims to highlight the practical considerations of setting up a sustainable data pipeline for low-cost sensor platforms, while highlighting the successful case studies of moving from ‘sensors to data’.

Session Chairs: Deo Okure, AirQo, Engineer Bainomugisha, AirQo, IQ Mead, Imperial College London

  • Open Data Discussion
  • En Français
  • Mercredi 18 Octobre

    Thème : Où en sommes-nous avec l’utilisation des capteurs de la qualité de l’air et comment entendons-nous améliorer nos performances.

    Mots clés :
    Lien entre la qualité de l’air et le changement climatique
    Compréhension des données
    Communiquer les données sur la qualité de l’air ;
    Politique de gestion sur la qualité de l’air


Thursday, October 19th

Theme: Converting Data into Actions

  • Data Utility & Action for Air Quality Management:  This session will cover data utility for the development of air quality management practices. Speakers will review case studies about low cost sensors used in monitoring urban air quality, source apportionment and health exposures. Additionally, they will discuss how the data can be used for predicting and communicating health outcomes with the aim to inspire community changes.

Session Chairs: Victor Indasi, C40, Emmanuel Appoh, Consultant, Dr. Rose Alani, University of Lagos

  • Policy Management: There are few opportunities to evaluate the utility of air quality sensor data in relation to air quality improvements resulting from targeted interventions such as, for instance, introduction of car free days in African Cities. The state of sensor technology has matured over time for some pollutants such as PM2.5, though still lags for trace gas measurements. The use of data from these sensors informing policy action across Africa has been growing, but there still are limited documented examples of this impact. This is partly due to the need for accurate, reliable, and readily available data to make effective decisions for reducing air pollution. This session aims to review how policy makers can use/are using and interpreting LCS data for clean air action. In addition, the session aims to look forward towards what are future needs for sensor technology and supporting data to inform policy and regulatory actions. 

Session Chairs: Rebecca Garland, University of Pretoria & ANGA, Victor Indasi, C40, Victor Nthusi, HEI

  • Utilizing Communication Strategies to Increase Public Engagement on Air Pollution: Air pollution is an important environmental health concern in Africa.  As data and evidence becomes more readily available, it is crucial to increase public engagement and awareness and encourage action, both at the individual and societal levels. Effective communication strategies are essential to achieve this goal. Utilizing various communication strategies can help to raise awareness about the health impacts of air pollution and inspire people to engage and take action. These strategies can include social media campaigns, community outreach programs, and public education initiatives. Often, the information also needs to be accessible and easy to understand, using clear language and visuals. Importantly, the strategies also need to be tailored to specific audiences to ensure that they are effective. 

Session Chairs: Robert Mbiake, University of Douala & ANGA, Pallavi Pant, HEI

  • Mobilizing Resources to Support Air Quality Monitoring Research: One of the difficulties African scientists working on air pollution research encounter is the lack of laboratory and field equipment to generate reliable data essential for air quality policy formulation. Substantial investment in infrastructure, equipment, and personnel over the past few decades has led to significant improvement in air quality in the Global North such as Europe and North America. Therefore, the need for investment in equipment and trained personnel for air quality research both in the laboratory and field of the Global South cannot be overemphasized. However, air pollution is not yet a top concern for the governments of some Global South nations, leading to a lack of resources for this critical infrastructure. 

Session Chairs: R. Subramanian, CMU, Allison Hughes, University of Ghana

  • Goals of the Panel: The goal of the panel is to discuss issues related to the acquisition and proper operation of equipment for air pollution research in African countries. Topics of interest include establishing good relationships with donors and suppliers; identifying the right equipment and understanding their operational requirements (supplies, maintenance, annual costs); ensuring the availability of trained personnel to install and operate the equipment; facility management; and operational sustainability. 


  • En Français
  • Jeudi 19 Octobre

    Thème : Quel type de recherche a-t-on besoin et où peut-on améliorer les systèmes
    Données : Collecte – Analyse – Interprétation et Réseaux des capteurs
    Utilité des données : Le rôle des données – Gestion de la qualité des données ;
    Recherche et Utilisation des Fonds
    Accès des données disponibles et discussions