Applying Research Internationally
Reviewing ASIC, Pasadena Presentations
This Fall we are hosting a series of webinars that are focused on in-depth discussions of presentations offered at the 2022 ASIC, Pasadena event in May. We have invited the authors and lead speakers of the presentations to join us for a longer 45-minute question-and-answer session. Our aim is to highlight discussions that will aid in further developing upon the conversations hosted in Bangalore, India this past August.
While we directly invited attendees of the Bangalore, India event to join the meetings to discuss how the lessons learned could be applied or tailored to fit the experiences of researchers, regulators and communities in India, we also invite all who are working on improving air quality and have experiences to share, or would like to learn from others. This will be an opportunity for those wishing to learn and understand the topics presented at ASIC, Pasadena in the context of countries developing their air quality networks and tracking air pollution.
The webinars will give a brief overview of the presentation, but it it is understood that all participants will have pre-watched the recorded presentations in order to offer insightful questions.
Review the schedule to sign up and watch the recordings before the webinar here.