Source characterisation and emission indices estimation using hyperlocal measurements from a low-cost sensor network - London Heathrow airport

Presented ByLekan Popoola, University of Cambridge

Description: Low cost sensors are becoming increasingly available for studying urban air quality. By making hyperlocal air quality measurements at high time resolution, this technique can be used in identifying pollution sources. When coupled with CO2 measurements, real world emission indices can be estimated. 

We present results for a study at London Heathrow airport (LHR), where 40 nodes were deployed for a period of one-year measuring CO, NO, Ox (NO2+O3) and CO2 as well as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction at 20s second resolution. We will show how the observations were used in distinguishing long-range transport and airport related emissions, thereby allowing the direct measurement of emission indices for the different airport activities.

In this talk, we show how the observations were used to constraint an air quality model (ADMS-airport) to create a powerful tool for predicting air quality.

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