High-Density Deployment of PM2.5 Sensors in the Maywood Environmental Justice Community

Presented ByJennifer DeWinter, Sonoma Technology & Felipe Aguirre, Comite Pro Uno

Description: The city of Maywood, California, located in southeastern Los Angeles County, is a community of nearly 30,000 residents in 1.2 square miles. Maywood is surrounded on the north and east by multiple air pollution sources, including the I-710 freeway, rail lines, and local industrial sources. The I-710 freeway—as well as the two main arterial roads in the community, Atlantic Bvld. and Slauson Ave.—have significant heavy-duty diesel truck traffic. Seven of the nine census tracts in Maywood are in the highest decile on CalEnviroScreen 3.0 scores; the other two are in the top quintile. To understand the spatial variation of PM2.5 concentrations in the community and engage residents on air pollution issues, we deployed 20 Purple Air sensors at community residences for one year. We will report on how PM2.5 concentrations vary within the community, how concentrations compare to those at nearby communities, and how concentrations vary with proximity to local sources such as freeways, arterials, rail yards, and point sources. The Purple Air measurements will also be compared to measurements from nearby regulatory monitoring locations that are measuring PM2.5 and other air pollutants. We will report on feedback from the community members and lessons learned.

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