Position Title
Head of Living Science Group, IIT Delhi
Dr Sarita Ahlawat is the head of Living Science Group, a science communication platform that she started with the help of research scholar at IIT D and ICGEB/, New Delhi in 2014, and is also the founding director of Phase Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. In January 2019 she also co-founded Aerogram Pvt. Ltd. a start-up for building personal and network air pollution monitoring devices. From February 2013 to December 2013, she was a research associate at the Malaria Group in ICGEB, New Delhi. Prior to that from March 2010 to August 2012 she was a post-doctoral scholar at the Wadsworth Centre, Department of Health, Albany, NY. Sarita holds a PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago in Microbiology (2010) and MS from University of Rochester, New York (2004). Her interests lie in developing smart and sensitive diagnostic tools, science communication, and building of monitoring devices that can help in pollution management.