Event Date
Time: 8:00 a.m. PT - 9:30 a.m. PT (Time subject to change)
Description: Obtaining reliable air quality data is only one part of puzzle that’s aiming to improve the air we breathe in our communities. Communicating that data effectively to enhance broad public understanding of the health implications and motivating communities towards action is one of the most important pieces of that puzzle. Join us for a discussion on how people digest these air quality lessons and what the best ways to disseminate the air quality data in a clear comprehensible manner are.
Moderated By: Tim Dye, TD Environmental (tim@tdenviro.com) & Rebecca Skinner, San Francisco AQ (info@sanfranciscoaq.org)
Annie Preston, ClimateCheck
Visualizing Air Quality with Uncertainty
Typical maps of air quality show one estimate based on sensor readings, but ignore uncertainty. In this presentation, I explore whether designs that show air quality along with uncertainty might help people make better decisions. (annie@climatecheck.com)
Travis Knudsen, Lane Regional Air Protection Agency
Purple Air Monitors in Lane County
Rick Peltier, University of Massachusetts
Frowny-face Air Quality: Communicating Data to the Community
We are faced with a wide array of diverse possibilities to communicate air quality data beyond our own discipline, but it is tremendously important that we make efforts to do so. Air quality data is, at its core, actionable information that can be used by the public to avoid or reduce health risk. But it only works if we know how to disseminate this through the right channels, and to the right audiences. And even then, we must have a strong sense of empathy for our intended recipients to make the messages as impactful as possible, so that message recipients understand, and can meaningfully act upon, their implications. This presentation will discuss ways to define the truth, tools for engaging with journalists, opportunities for sensors that go beyond simple data dissemination, and what the future of sensors might look like. (rpeltier@umass.edu)
Kerry Shearer, Livestream Communications Expert
Getting Traction with Communicating Air Quality Data
(Kerry.shearer@gmail.com and on Instagram @thelivestreamexpert)
Group Q&A Discussion
Webinar sponsored by Sensirion